


Brittany, an Arkansas native, has been in Atlanta since 2008.  She fell in love with the city while interning for Turner Sports during college.  After relocating to pursue her career in broadcasting, Brittany discovered she enjoyed being in a behind the scenes role.  She merged her passion of sports and television and is currently a makeup artist for Inside the NBA & NBATV. Her hobbies include being a dog mom, watching all sports, and attending art events around the city.



Janeen is a native of Little Rock, Arkansas. After spending a few years in Los Angeles, she was chosen to be a part of an up and coming girl group which moved her to Atlanta in 2010.  Though that didn't work out, she fell in love with the city and decided to stay and call the "A" her home.  Janeen is currently a Stay At Home Mom and now spends all of her time raising her 2 beautiful little girls!  She loves all things music, loves to binge her favorite shows whenever she finds the time, secretly daydreams about being a voice in the next animated film to take over the globe, and enjoys all the self care and ME time she can get!

Joi Nicole

Joi is an Atlanta native and entrepreneur. She spends her time as a director & producer, decor enthusiast, and is obsessed with everything creative. She truly is an all around networking maven! With an exquisite eye for detail it has propelled her into curating content seeing the world through her lens. Her mission in life is to inspire the masses through her own personal growth and development while staying true to who she is at the core! Her hobbies include traveling, finding the best restaurants and curating amazing date nights with her husband.


Steph Marie

Stephanie is an entrepreneur and lifestyle influencer. She is a true Chicago girl with fierceness and enthusiasm to take risks; which led her to move to Atlanta in 2004, fulfilling her passion for event-planning and curating and staffing celebrity and luxury events. With over a decade of experience, Stephanie is now producing large scale events for Fortune 500 companies.  Her hobbies include: traveling, creating cocktails, and sharing fashion tips.